Registry Fix

How to Restore Previous Versions of the Registry in Windows 7 by Britec

How to Restore Previous Versions of the Registry in Windows 7 by If you want to manually restore a specific section of the registry from a previous System Restore snapshot, or access some specific keys from an older version of the registry, you can do so by getting access to those files and then exporting sections from them. Here’s how to do it in Windows 7 or Vista. Since Windows 7 and Vista utilize Shadow Copy, otherwise known as Volume Snapshot Service, to power the “Previous Versions” feature, there are snapshots of important files taken over time, including registry hives, so we can access the older versions of registry files this way without having to do a full System Restore. Need help with your computer or laptop problems? ———————————- http

When You Go Into My Computer And There Is No CD/DVD Drive Or Optical Drives There You Have A Lowerclass Or Upperclass Filter Problem, Which Means You Installed The Wrong Driver Or Software For Your CD/DVD Drive And Has Created A Conflict Or Wrong Entry In The Registry, Making Your Drive Undetectable Or Not Installed Correctly In Device Manager, To Fix This Problem Please Watch The Video. XP/VISTA/7. Please Note. Viruses Can Also Do This To Prevent You From Using CDs/DVD and Sometimes USB’s. So That You Cannot Remove The Virus Or Problem, Disabling The Registry Or MSCONFIG, CMD, And Other Items, Please Refer To My Other Videos If You Have Further Problems Or Contact Me On Messenger THANKYOU 🙂