Windows Registry 7 Cleaner

Best Registry Cleaner For Windows 7

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Clean Registry

Why You Should Use a Registry Cleaner For a Computer Clean Up

By Logan Albright

The computer is a complex machine. Its intricacy calls for a constant computer clean up to maintain peak efficiency. As hardware becomes more and more multifaceted every six months, we are left quite breathless at how far and how fast we have come technologically in the past 10 years.

But one thing remains the same for desktop pc’s everywhere. Since Windows had its inception to the XP’s and Vista’s of today, there has always been one thing in common – the all mighty windows registry. Until we all move onto the .NET framework in the future, the windows registry still represents the most important aspect of the operating system, the brain child – the conductor that ensures programmes and applications all perform in a marvellous and efficient concerto.

The funny thing is that we all literally take it for granted. The registry contains all information that Windows uses to run everything and anything within the OS environment. In laymen terms, it houses a library of instructions that Windows uses to correctly launch applications, access files, calibrate the network and execute important programmes. Even antivirus survivability depends heavily on the health of the registry.

Every time you install anything, change your settings, upgrade your system, mount an application or system programme, your registry tracks it down, organises them into command lines, entries and embedded keys that the OS can then use later to identify where and how they should be used.

Over time, this information becomes mountainous, huge libraries begin to pile up and inevitably, errors start to show up. Just imagine if you buy ten books a day for a year and everyday you placed them in your room, reading a different one, then trying to replace the books where you found them. It would be a complete mess. Multiply this by a million and you have a good idea of the predicament of the registry.

Rundll errors, system errors, programmes that take ages to load, invalid programme messages, crashes, browser errors are just some of the problems this unkempt pile of information can cause. Invalid registry entries left by bad programme loads and uninstalls, malware and spyware, virus attacks on .dll file libraries, empty spaces left by removed registry entries as well as orphaned embedded keys that point to bogus programmes all contribute to a slowed down OS.

Then you know its time for a clean-up. How often do you think your room needs a good clean up? If you did a little everyday, it would be in pristine condition wouldn’t it? This is the same for the registry. Pick up a good Registry Cleaner and it will do wonders for your system performance.

System slowdowns, programme crashes, slow start-ups and the annoying ring of error messages can be avoided with the appropriate computer clean up. Why should you use a registry cleaner to clean up your PC? There isn’t space in this article for me to articulate how important it is. Scanning takes less than a few minutes and there are loads of good, free and efficient reg cleaners out there. You owe it to your desktop experience to get a registry cleaner.

About the Author: Click Here to get your windows registry fixed for free. Logan Albright helps thousands of people optimize their computers through a proper computer check up. He is an authority on troubleshooting computer problems at .


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See the original post here: Why You Should Use a Registry Cleaner For a Computer Clean Up

Clean Registry

Registry Cleaner: Clean The Clutter!

By Stephen E Nelson

The Windows registry is basically a directory. It stores settings for the operating system for Windows Mobile, 64-bit versions and Microsoft Windows 32-bit versions. It contains information and settings for all the operating system software, hardware, most non-operating system software, users and preferences of the PC. Whenever a user makes changes to Control Panel settings, system policies, file associations or installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in the registry.

The registry also provides a window into the operation of the kernel, exposing runtime information such as performance counters and currently active hardware. This use of registry mechanism is conceptually similar to the way that Sysfs and procfs expose runtime information through the file system (traditionally viewed as a place for permanent storage), though the information made available by each of them differs tremendously.

The Windows registry was introduced to tidy up the profusion of per-program INI files that had previously been used to store configuration settings for Windows programs. These files tended to be scattered all over the system, which made them difficult to track.

The Registry is stored in several files; depending upon the version of Windows, there will be different files and different locations for these files, but they are all on the local machine, except for the Ntuser.dat files. There is one such file per user that contains the information in HKEY_CURRENT_USER; it may be placed on another computer to allow for roaming profiles. The policy file, which is usually stored on a server in the local network, may also be located remotely.

What is a Registry Cleaner?

A registry cleaner is a type of program for Microsoft Windows operating system designed to remove redundant or unwanted items from the Windows registry. The cleaner program attempts to remove unneeded or unwanted items from the registry.

What Problems Does it Solve?

Some uninstallers for Windows software do not completely remove all traces of the software from the registry. Depending on the technical details, these traces can interfere with performance or have other negative impacts. Using a registry cleaner is one of the only ways to get rid of these bits. The registry cleaner scans the registry, and picks out the unnecessary and/or damaged pieces and deletes/repairs them.

Registry cleanup software: The Solution!

Registry cleaners, or registry cleanup software, can often improve the performance and reliability of computers by ridding the registry of unnecessary and fragmented files, which can dramatically reduce the need for serious maintenance. Some registry cleaners offer backup and restore functions that allow the user to revert changes made by the registry cleaner in case they are undesired.

List of Available Software:

Pimasoft Registry Fix

SmartPCTools Software Registry Repair Wizard 2007

VCOM Fix-it Utilities

Sysfixmaster Registry Cleaner

While this article is too short to go into complete details about registry cleaners, hopefully you have a good place to start your education. I have listed several great references and the end of this article. You can also visit

Windows 2000 Registry: Latest Features and APIs Provide the Power to Customize and Extend Your Apps.

Chen, R. The Old New Thing, Addison-Wesley, 2007, p. 322.

Microsoft’s Windows 2000 Security Hardening Guide version 1.3, published May 15, 2003

About the Author: Stephen Nelson is a freelance author that writes for the software community. You can find out more at


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View original post here: Registry Cleaner: Clean The Clutter!

Windows Registry 7 Cleaner

Windows 7 Speedup Tutorial Using A Registry Cleaner

visit for information about how to speed up Windows 7.

Link: Windows 7 Speedup Tutorial Using A Registry Cleaner

Registry Fix

Know the Basic Windows Registry and How to Access the Windows Registry?

By Dian Afrial

Imagine? The first time you try a registry cleaner program, then get the fact that tens or even hundreds of registry is in trouble.

You may be amazed at the amount of relief, because it can clean the registry with Registry Cleaner. But, whether it has occurred in your mind, that so easily fill the registry changes and problems, without you feel tweak it.

Registry plays an important role in the Windows operating system. Unfortunately, more often change the registry is another program (i.e. malware), it makes you as the owner of the computer like a guest in your own home, you just let go when the registry revamped all-out. But do not worry, let’s tweak the Windows Registry and understanding, and beware of harmful registry modifications.

For those of you who ever open the registry with a registry editor program (such as Regedit), Maybe, hierarchical structure is displayed to remind you that the structure of directories on disk, as shown in Windows Explorer. Though of course, you will not be inspired to name the folders on the hard drive with a name such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

The main part of the registry are :

1.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT or abbreviated as HKCR, storing configuration information and applications, such as file associations.

2.HKEY_CURRENT_USER or abbreviated to HKCU, storing user login information.

3.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or abbreviated to HKLM, storing the configuration of computer software and hardware concerns.

4.HKEY_USERS or abbreviated as HKU, storing information related to HKCU.

5.HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG or shortened by the HKCC. Storing the information collected at runtime.

Mentioned above registry you can see through Regedit (you can run it via Start – Run, type regedit, and hit enter)

There are 5 main hive can be expand display (sub) hive or key, the right pane displays the contents / value. To create a key, right click and select New Key. Meanwhile, to make the Value, right click and select Value is divided by type of data, string, binary, DWORD, multi-string, expandable-string.

In addition, HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA hive that are not shown in regedit, but it can be accessed through the registry functions in Windows API. On windows 95/98/ME operating system, there HKEY_DYN_DATA hive that stores dynamic information, including a plug and play information and network statistics.

The letter “H” which is the first letter of each part, stands for Hive. The main use registry to store configuration is related to hardware and software, including components such as the kernel, drivers, services, SAM (Security Accounts Manager), user interface and applications using 3rd party registry. Registry is corrupted or intentionally modified to cause the windows operating system is not functioning properly.

How do I create a new key with its value?

The contents of the registry might be changed in various ways. Simple example, consider the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelInternational, which stores the configuration of regional/international, such as the State code, format currency, date-time, and so on.

Some ways to change the registry configuration is:

1.Through the Control Panel – Regional and Language Options. Options you choose and change, will automatically modify the registry value.

2.Through the REG file which contains registry values. When run with a double click, the REG File will automatically import the contents of the registry in accordance with the format specified.

3.Using the REG command which is the Console Registry tool that allows you to change the registry via the command prompt.

4.Through the INF file with a specific format that contains the registry value.

5.Through programming using the API functions provided by Windows, and is located in the advapi32.dll file (advanced windows 32 API Library).

Seeing so many ways (relatively easy) to access the registry, make changes, or even a registry value, it is not surprising if the registry becomes vulnerable.

The following example shows easily add, modify, and delete keys and values using REG command through the command prompt.

To create a new key, for example, is as follows (just type in the command prompt) :


This command will create a new key with the name MY_KEY at the hive HKLMSOFTWARE. To fill in values, type the following command:


It will create a value named data with the contents of 007, by default is the string data type. This value can be modified with the following command:


it will display a confirmation dialog whether you want to overwrite the old data. Then the contents will change to 008. Parameters /v means defining the value, the parameter /d means defining the data. For more parameters, can be seen if you type REG ADD /?

After quite a waste, how to delete keys that have been made previously with the command below:


All subkey (if any) and the value in HKLMSOFTWAREMY_KEY will be deleted. For more parameters, can be seen if you type REG DELETE /?

About the Author: For More Details about this information visit the page Know more about windows registry (Regedit) : Introducing Windows Registry and visit the homepage Top Freeware,Photoshop Tricks,PC tricks & tips,Internet Tips & Tricks


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Originally posted here: Know the Basic Windows Registry and How to Access the Windows Registry?

Windows Reg Cleaner

Windows 7 Registry Cleaners – Best Registry Cleaner This is our top recommended registry cleaner for Windows 7. We have tested a lot of these tools and have found this is the best registry cleaner for Windows 7 – to see more information about it then click on

Read more from the original source: Windows 7 Registry Cleaners – Best Registry Cleaner

Registry Scan

Registry Easy™ is an excellent Windows Registry Cleaner that helps you scan your PC Download Registry Easy™ Now For 100% Free Scan! More Information:

Read more here: Registry Easy™ is an excellent Windows Registry Cleaner that helps you scan your PC

Windows Registry 7 Cleaner

The Best Registry Cleaner Tool For Windows 7

visit for more information about the best Windows 7 registry cleaner and Frontline Registry Cleaner.

Go here to read the rest: The Best Registry Cleaner Tool For Windows 7

Registry Fix

PC Registry Fix – Your Free Guide to a Quick PC Registry Fix

By Logan Albright

Wondering what in the world a registry is? No worries because help is here. The registry, despite being the one of the most important pieces of software on your computer, is not widely recognized by all computer users. The registry functions as an information builder that helps to store all information and secure them in such a way that makes this information non-editable and non-removable. The merit to this system is that your login information and such will not go missing. But the downside to this is that the information will get overwritten many times. This may damage or corrupt data and in addition, redundant data may be created. These side effects will hinder your computer’s processing speed. Want to know how to avoid this? Continue reading “PC Registry Fix” and discover how this free guide to a quick registry repair can help you.

The registry can be easily fixed by using simple software. Software like Reg Mechanic and RegCure are just some of the available registry cleaners that are available for you to use. These registry cleaners come in all shapes and sizes. But despite being physically different, all these registry cleaners are pretty similar in terms of their functions.

All registry cleaners aim to provide you with a ‘dust-free’ registry after cleanup. Files that are redundant, corrupted and missing will be replaced with new ones upon completion of each registry cleanup. Many have neglected the fact that a sparkling clean registry will ensure a smooth sailing computer experience. This is because when the registry is filled with redundant files, chances are your computer will need to go through all the junk before reaching the right information. The state of your registry is comparable to a room. A tidy room is always easier to navigate than a messy one.

Using the registry cleaner is very easy. Free registry cleaners like CCleaner are very user friendly. First time users are advised to use CCleaner if they are unfamiliar with the process of registry cleaning. Alternatively, there are registry cleaners that can be purchased off the shelves from any computer shop. The only problem is that some of these paid registry cleaners are equipped with too many functions that are not really necessary for casual use. A simple registry cleaner is all that is needed to restore speed.

Before installing a registry cleaner, it is important to choose a registry cleaner that suits your computer best. Some PC users can be pretty particular about what goes into their computer. Some registry cleaners might not be compatible with your PC whereas some registry cleaners might be expensive and offer features you may not need. As a computer user, do keep that in mind when you go registry shopping.

There are many different kinds of registry cleaners that you can find from computer stores, eBay, Amazon and such. You will be spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing the ideal registry cleaner to give your PC registry a quick fix. All in all, just remember that the most important thing is to use the registry cleaner as often as possible so as to reap the advantages of a speedy computer.

About the Author: Click Here to get your windows registry fixed for free. Logan Albright helps thousands of people optimize their computers through a proper computer check up. He is an authority on troubleshooting computer problems at .


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See the original post: PC Registry Fix – Your Free Guide to a Quick PC Registry Fix

Windows Reg Cleaner

Best Windows XP Registry Repair – Frontline Registry Cleaner

visit for more information about the best registry cleaner for Windows XP

View post: Best Windows XP Registry Repair – Frontline Registry Cleaner