Registry Fix

How To Fix Latency Problems in Windows 7 (ASIO4ALL)

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Having trouble installing or updating itunes because of a stupid error then your in the right place… (This the simplest way to install or updating itunes) CAREFUL WHEN DELETING A FOLDER, MAKE SURE IT HAS ITUNES.MSI IN THERE AND TO DELETE RIGHT CLICK *I recommend downloading the itunes setup from apple’s website because just to make sure theres not another error while trying to update itunes. This also works with quicktime player but if you people want a video tutorial on that please comment.

50 replies on “How To Fix Latency Problems in Windows 7 (ASIO4ALL)”

Thanks Andrew! Your advice to replace Microsoft HD Audio Drivers with drivers from Realtek finally solved “device is unavailable” problem in ASIO4All on my PC. Windows 7 x64, motherboard Asus P5K with onboard Realtek audio device.

when i try to install the driver i downloaded it says ( no driver was supported in this driver package. PLEASE HELP!

hi there! you explain everything really well. thank you.

i have a problem with asio4all, please help me!!!

MY WINDOWS AUDIO SLIDERS DON’T AFFECT THE SOUND IN MY DAW (which is adobe audition). Even if I mute my microphone levels in the control panel, the daw still records the audio at a particular level (which is too loud, the audio clips).

So basically I’m looking for a way to control the volume (both playback and recording) in my daw.

HELP. Help.

rcs2003, I should add that I’m not trying to dispute you in any way! I’m just a struggling beginner trying to figure out what my best options are. For anyone interested, I’ve been using an old BOSS digital 4-track with guitar for several years and never even guessed that there could be any latency with it, until I recently thudded up against the phenomenon with my computers. I just don’t want to go backwards; I think I would rather keep recording with the BOSS and transfer my recordings.

Wow, I’m so thrilled to get your response! Do I infer correctly that you agree with rcs2003 that neither XP nor “7” can record with zero latency, even “Stereo Mix” — removing any external interface from the picture? I have no opinion, by the way; I’m just having all kinds of problems syncing sounds and trying to learn.

Are you saying that there is absolutely no way to record with a computer, or with a Windows computer, without latency? How is it that Windows is unable to do something that, say, a desktop multitrack studio can do? This makes no sense to me. What is the lowest possible latency with Windows 7?

I believe I did this fix with the help of HP Support, and it effected a big change, but I believe I still have latency. With Audacity, I generate a “Click Track” and then record it, and it’s slightly off. If you magnify the graphics, it’s quite obvious. Sound-wise, it’s not obvious (to me, a rank amateur) until you play both tracks at once at-a-time, then there’s no denying it. Am I missing something? If Windows 7 has inherent latency, can the music industry be using it?

It doenst help. Latency is still too much. Win7 is not designed for music making. Conclusion: use XP. Latency is lower than 10ms, pretty good for live playing on any instrument.

Thank you very much…ive been searching all over for someone to put things in good order and finally found it….thanks again……cali..

did a little bit of research on ASIO and found out that it is a technology made by Steinberg so that the drivers could work with Cubase software which is what I’m using currently. I was into this a few years back but had forgotten all about it. Thanks again, I needed to refresh my memory using this. Nice work on the song you made this video with if you produced the track yourself.

worked and fixed major latency and cracking issues on my cubase 5 windows 7 set up so far. just as advertised on their website. thanks for the video.

this isnt fixing latency right? its just installing ur asio4all? i already have it working and still have latency any help?

yeah bro, its really good, you should make it into klike a proper song like singing and shit, its so catchy!!

Thank you so much. One thing to note. Instead of uninstalling and installing the default audio driver, you can just click the update button and it worked 🙂

Funcionou perfeito, tinha instalado o asio mas não desinstalei/instalei o driver da Realtek. Só resolveu mesmo, depois deste procedimento.


Thanks. Another question: In my case I am triggering Superior Drummer with DIY pads fed into Alesis Trigger iO. What is the best setting in ASIO4ALL for drumming ?

dude you are a genius, for us it did work… took us hours to find a solution, these simple steps solved it within secs 😀 thumbs up

Mate – you a fair dinkum genius. You’ve solved a problem that has been annoying the daylights out of me or a week. Can’t thank you enough. Update – figured it out. Regards

Mate – you a fair dinkum genius. You’ve solved a problem that has been annoying the daylights out of me or a week. Can’t thank you enough. Maybe you can post a video up on how I can add an avatar picture to my first Youtube comment – the help files are a disaster to fathom – gave up after 30 mins. Regards

hi pleasee help me when i put find & then itunes.msi it searches but theres nothing! it dosent have a folder. please help me

I FREAKING LOVE YOU MAN!!!!! NO homo just dude i had months not knowing what to do tnx dude and for those who don’t understand copy every single thing u see him doing u can even read the files name to verify… what i did 😉

Thank you! I’m a technologically challenged idiot, so this helped a lot. Not complicated, very easy to understand 🙂

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