vladekas.com – Обзор пргограммы CCleaner для очистки операционой системы от программного мусора. Анализ и исправление ошибок реестра. Деинсталляция программ и обзор настроек программы CCleaner vladekas.blogspot.com – Overview prgogrammy CCleaner to clean the operating system from software collection. Analysis and correction of errors registry. Uninstalling programs and review the program settings CCleaner
Video Rating: 4 / 5
For all the links below, wait 5 seconds and skip the ad Get all the info and links you need to transform your PC here: adf.ly SECURITY RECOMMENDATIONS: You don’t have to but it is highly recommended. Clean your registry before you make any changes to it. Download, install and run ‘ccleaner’ here: www.piriform.com It contains a fully featured registry cleaner, it takes less than 1 minute and it´s free. I strongly recommend you to create a restore point in your system after your registry is cleaned and before you install any skin. You can do it easily by going to Start ‘ right clicking on Computer – Properties – System Protection – Create a Restore point right now… – Give it a Name (example; Before Installing MacX) and hit create. (Takes less than a minute) Much More in website adf.ly Or Channel: adf.ly Or Facebook: adf.ly SUBSCRIBE! adf.ly Thanks for watching! If this worked click on the ads! don’t worry nothing bad will happen to your computer 😉 Thanks! Please comment, rate, sub and share! It helps a lot and more people can find these videos.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
31 replies on “CCleaner – Программа для чистки системы / Program for Cleaning System”
спасибо большое,видео очень помогло,всё почистил,всё нормально))))))
Спосибо vladekas753
интересно, а что это за оценки?
Здравствуйте, хотелось бы тоже уточнить насчет стирания диска. Если я сотру свободное место с диска, произойдет по сути его сжатие, т.е не будет “пробелов” , а емкость диска останется прежней?
Реально помогло зря не буду говорить вот результаты
До CpuMark03 3433
После CpuMark03 4781
До GpuMark03 1924
После GpuMark03 3007
До MemMark 03 3082
После Memmark03 5845
До TotalMark03 7.2 из 10
После TotalMark03 8.4 из 10
Спосибо хороший урок был
Зачетно очень помогло!!!
))) Для них и записывалось. А стереть можно или всю информацию на нужном диске или ту скрытую, что находится на “свободном” пространстве. Ведь, хоть и не видимые, но удалённые файлы всё таки есть на диске. Для начинающих этой функцией пользоваться совершенно не стоит – чревато.
Видео НЕ понравилось. Оно для людей совсем уж далёких от компьютеров. Мне только одно непонятно: объясните пожалуйста, поподробнее, что из себя представляет функция “Стирание диска”.
спасибо 🙂
Большое спасибо! Очень полезный урок ))
please brother i need adobe encore cs 6 please and thanks for the help you are a genius
this is not a MAC OS this is only the appearance so no, programs made for MAC will not work with that. You either need to buy a MAC computer or install it on a virtual machine inside windows but for this second option you need a super fast computer (especially for final cut or other video editors)
*facepalm, i’m not entitled to give advice as much as the uploader but no they won’t look at her virtual box video for that.
If i install this, will Mac programs work? Like Final Cut Pro?
will this also change the task bar and what program does it use to change it?
Hey, I installed it and it works fine but i LOST MY SOUND!! HELP?
@hache98 Ok, thanks. I’m not going to spam your mail again 😉
Yes, it will.
Ok thanks mate, but I have rocketdock allready and if i uninstall CostoPack. then run my rocketdock, will the rocketdock be exactly as it was?
No, if you uninstall it your desktop will look just like it was when you installed windows, or bought your computer. the icons will be there and all your programs and data, ofcourse you won’t lose any documents or data or shotcuts on the desktop, but the desctop background and the windows theme will be the standard windows value
Ok, but if i install it and then uninstall it.. will i get back the exactly same desktop look and everything looks exactly like it was?
system changes aply to all user accounts on your computer 2:45
If I install this on one of my Windows users, will the other users be like this too?
My computer now has a trojian horse virus. Thank you for breaking it.
Hello! all yours tutorials are great.
can i ask you what screen recording do you use so reboots the computer and still capturing or are you using virtualization i will appreciate your response and by the way im going to be checking your website every weekend. I strongly recommend your channel and website thank you for your contribution.
please help me it’s soo disturbing thats the theme is not full, i tryied to unistall it and renistall it , it still the same problem
oh hiii thanks for this video but i have a little problem , when i start my computer it starts normally but when it write (welcome) the backgrount stills windows 7 what to do ?
realy cool but i have some problems with audio…and i can’t run my games,i don’t know why.
this works on windows XP??????
I need to know