Clean Registry

Simple Windows PC Tune Up

Class Notes and More can be found at: Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: January 11, 2012 Length of Class: 33 Minutes Tracks Computer Repair Prerequisites None Purpose of Class This class teaches students how to easily Tune Up a Windows PC. We clean Temporary Files, Defragment the Registry, Disable Start up Items, and Uninstall Unused Software. Chapters Introduction (00:00) Overview (01:50) Demonstration (14:26) Final Thoughts (29:34) Class Notes Introduction Windows PC’s slow down over time due to normal use. Windows does not have effective ways to clean up the PC built in. You use specific software to perform Tune Ups of Windows PC’s. Eli prefers CCleaner, but there are a number of options. The main functions you need are the ability to Clean Up or Defragment the Registry, be able to Disable Start Up Items, and to be able to Clean Up Temp Files. Overview CCleaner is currently FREE to use Windows creates temporary files while you are using the computer. These files can the cause problems. Many people have 5-10GB of temp data on their PC’s. (I have seen one client with 50+GB). PC’s need 10% of their hard drive space to be free in order to do standard routines. If the hard drive space goes below 1 GB of Free Space the PC can start to experience major problems. Anti Virus and Anti Malware software will scan ALL files on a PC. You can waste significant time if the software is scanning Temp Files. The Registry is a Database

25 replies on “Simple Windows PC Tune Up”

I need some help with the last update of the Flash Player, i think is version 11. I have notice that everything is slower now, i use Firefox and now it freezes more than ever, i have used the CCleaner and TuneUp Utilities 12 to try to fix it, but it still the same, I also have uninstalled some programs i don’t use, but my browser still getting stuck, any tip you can give me to fix this? Thanks in advance, take care.

Anyone who needs a virus removed, inbox me i also do printer setup, Email troubleshoot, printer,Software. I do it all. You must have internet connection thoe, That way it will be a breeze.

I have a question sir.. Is it save to download files from Torrent sites? If it is how? And if not then what’s the risk? Thanks in advance 🙂 And nice tutorial Sir. 🙂

Eli, I am very grateful to you for sharing valuable information, painstakingly gathered by a lot of unpleasant situations. Your way of teaching is very simple and very clear. You are a natural teacher. Well done and thanks again, not only am I enjoying your classes, I am also learning.

Is it a good idea to run a registry defrag? I am in a win7 class and they are teaching us to never touch the registry. They state that programs such as ccleaner can create problems by deleting files that are needed. Is this a safe practice?

Also, I have McAfee on my computer… and Its not on the Uninstall Programs and when I start up, It starts up but I don’t know how to get rid of It? any other Ideas??

If you are trying to share a single file over SSH, then use the command “scp” Do man scp to get more information.

Hi Eli. Brilliant instructional videos!
I know you’re not suggesting running a defrag tool but what’s your opinion on Smart Defrag? I don’t personally use it as my first choice, but always install it on other people’s computers as it has the auto defrag feature, and as they never remember to do things like defrag it might help them.

Thanks Eli! I’ve been using ccleaner for many years already. Even though I know most if not all you’re teaching in this video, I enjoyed watching it and would have no problem watching it again. You have excellent presentational skills, it is very clear and understandable. I subscribed to your channel I think 2 weeks ago and watched several of your videos but this is my first comment. Thanks man, and I’m looking forward to see more.

just a simple message for example. It kind of question have got from school and I don t know the right answer. thanks !!

What is the linux command should I use if another networker want to communicate his data to me. We are both using Secure Shell (SSH) in linux terminal. HELP PLEASE !!

Thank you this has been so good my computer is alot faster!! I can see why you’ve had so many likes and its only the first month.

Thanks for this tip. My Temp files was about 25GB, had about 200 things in the registry, and uninstalled like 50 games lol. It seemed like it helped, I will restart later and see it any more changes occur.

Hardware conflicts can also cause problems..  I was getting erratic BSODs under winxp.. switched to 7, nothing after that.

BSDs can be caused be any number of reasons… Anything from RAM that is not properly seated, to bad drivers, to Bill Gates just having PMS… It’s just an error that you have to try to troubleshoot to fix…

Does one of the videos cover blue screen of death. I have been tuning up computers and I have gotten the Blue error screen, sometimes I can fix it but most of the time I cant.

Thank you for you Video it was Awesome! I am now a subsricber and and strting to re-think my computer life rather than just gmaing lol

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