Clean Registry

Disable Autorun the Correct Way

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to correctly turn off the autorun feature of windows. The autorun feature is a potential security risk because it automatically runs code when you connect removable devices to your PC. It is best to disable it. Difficulty: Medium Requirements: Windows XP Pc a reg file to be created DISCLAIMER/CAUTION: Editing/cleaning/repairing your computer’s registry is potentially dangerous . You might render your computer unstable or even unbootable. Before you edit/clean/repair your registry with any method, be sure you make a backup of your registry and you know how to access and use that backup in case you muck up your computer. If you decide to manually edit your registry, then be sure you are comfortable with editing the registry and I suggest you save a backup of at least the section you edit ahead of time in case you need/want to reverse your changes. Editing the registry can produce serious undesirable consequences if done incorrectly. That said, here are the keys and reg file contents, copy and paste below the line at your own risk. ==================================================================== Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; This key will disable autorun for the cdrom drives [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom] AutoRun=dword:00000000 ; This will disable the autorun for all drive types [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer] NoDriveTypeAutoRun=dword:000000ff

6 replies on “Disable Autorun the Correct Way”

can any 1 plzzzzzzzzzz help me….i got a prob…..n i cant fix it…..when i plug ma camera cable to my computer and open it pictures and videos does not open but a file named autorun setup information 0 kb appears …..plzzz help me to run ma camera pics n other stuff

Anyone know how to shut off the YOUTUBE video autoplay?
I’m not talking about devices. There has to be a setting on
youtube to shut of my video when I go to my home page.
Annoying and wasting my band width. When I click on other
peoples home page their videos won’t auto play. I’m
wondering if people click my home page the video auto
plays as well? Thanks!

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